English Learner Parent Partnership (ELPP)

ELPP meeting date

All are welcome to attend.


A district and site commitment to English Learner (EL) parents and students to engage them in on-going, two-way, and meaningful communication and training to improve EL student academic achievement, EL programs and support.


EL parent engagement, empowerment, and leadership. Input in development of Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), input in EL services and support.  Additionally, an EL parent representative for district committee


Input into Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), particularly site services and support for English Learners, and Reclassification criteria.

All sites will provide EL parent training based upon EL parent interest.Possible topics may include:

understanding a standards based report card, increasing reading fluency, math games /skills to increase math fluency, how to use PowerSchool to check grades, Jr. High graduation requirements, high school graduation requirements, college entrance requirements and planning.

Agendas (click the date for the link to agenda)

Meeting Dates

Minutes (click the date for a link to the Minutes)